Friday, June 21, 2013


                                                       Image of Danielle Bowen

                                                                CANCER FUND

I was diagnosed with Cancer in April 2013.

I have what is called a  T-Cell Lymphoma. I pray it will be eradicated as I am currently doing chemotherapy.Apparently, my spleen and liver were the two organs affected; the doctor stated that I am getting better, my liver is well and the spleen shrunk close to what it should be. I am so grateful by the hands of God.

It was a tremendous shock as I never would have thought this would happen to me.
"No lo se porque," I would utter to myself, but my friends Katrina Spencer, Allyssa Chic, Sipiwe, Tamara among many others said not to worry about it; " You are what you think."
I later stated to myself, I have to get out of this and heal. It is hard but I am trying to keep positive and do what is required to be well.

I would like to thank all the Nurses, Doctors and many others who helped me at the Bellevue Hospital;A special "Thank you," to  Dr Sheila Saint-Fleur, Ibrahim, Paulin, Nierozik, Tapia, Sangers, Greder, Geisler, Matt Ingham, Ciolas; Nurse Gloria Campbell, Lamu, Agnes, Deborah Bernard, Francois, Dorreen etc

 Thank you so much for your determination to ensure I get well; calls, and other forms of genuine support. I would like to thank  Top Modelle Louisa Taadou, Melie Tiecoh, Rocky Hes, Monika Mihalkova, Top Photographers Rolande & Mg Oania, my relatives (Jaqueline Capatula, Averil & Seflin Sherwood, Cecil Bowen) other friends,Cipriani, Rosie, Sagine Hammond, Ranantat, Pat & Peter, JahB, Porasah, Darlene, Tammy,  Audrey Tomlinson, Tricia,  among many others who reached out sincerely; visiting me at the hospital, calling, donating etc

 View Miss Allyssa Chic's video below! "Look out for her stuff and support her CD, once it comes out. If you would like to work with her, please to reach out to me at  or you may visit her webapage at :

In addition, I would also like to thank Supermodel Katrina Spencer, & talented singer Allyssa Chic for starting a cancer fund, and providing other forms of daily support. I am very grateful. Three stripes and we are healed.


                                                             Miss Katrina Spencer
I am trying not to be lazy; learning from friends, and surfing the web on foods and research on such given cancer which I found is rare and aggressive. I pray it will not be aggressive with me. Please to leave with Chemotherapy, one states. Anyhow fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and many other choices of foods will be regarded closely, the intake of these has to be more than the usual.

I was very fortunate to have met Dr Jah B, who educated me on foods, supplements etc
For those who are currently dealing with Cancer, or have friends or relatives suffering with this disease, it is advisable to drink herbs such as Guinea Hen Weed, Semi Contra, & Cancer bush which comprises of a variety of herbs. I highly recommend cancer patients to buy vitamin B17, Nutramix and Vitalzyms to build their immune systems. 
You may contact Dr Jah B at 15168415442 in New York City.

Great Food and Tips for Cancer Patients:

1 . Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale. These score high for containing many anti-cancer substances, such as isothiocyanates.
2. Globe artichoke for very high levels of salvestrols

3. Choose whole grain breads and cereals.

4. Drink 100% fruit or vegetable juices. (Make sure they are pasteurized because you may be more susceptible  to germs while you’re getting cancer treatment.)

5. Eat vegetables and fruits. 

6. Eat vegetarian lasagna or vegetable stir-fry.

7. Eat leafy green salads (parsley, coriander,basil, watercress etc) 

8. No sugary foods & No meat

9.Drink a lot teas: guinea hen weed, green, dandelion, ginger, garlic etc
If anyone is interested to do any cancer projects, feel free to reach out to me at

Sunday, February 17, 2013



                                              LE GUSTAN JOYERIAS
Hay muchos piases que tienen las buenas cosas; me gustaria viajar mas para ver las ruinas magnificas; yo quisiera saber la historia para fabricar, manejar y estudiar; normalmente, la cultura se jugue de manera imaginativa; Que piensan los fabricantes? "Falla com noi," se diga Los Brasilenos! Te gustan portar joyerias? Que tipos? Siempre, la viaje ayuda la mente cuando tenemos la capacidad de crear; Ademas, se ayuda a concentrar sobre los abstractos, originos etc
Las reglas de comercilizacion son importantes para la transportacion de los productos internacionales.
El ultimo vez que viajaba, estaba buscando materias primarias de diferentes colores; estaba usandolos en una manera para comercializarlos.Yo me de cuenta que necesitaba a saber ciertos estudios, cambios, informaciones generales, a conocer a la gente en las industrias en que tengan interes etc

Voluntarism is essential; globally, many enjoy partaking in volunteer activities;
I had the opportunity to sign with Unicef Canada, and devouted time to some organizations world-wide.I recall taking part in proceeds for women and children suffering from Breast Cancer (Hope & Cope Charities); HIV Child Victims; Fun & Exposure Charities; Anti-Downe Syndrome World-Italian Charities etc;
Tradition and heritage are two crucial tenets; it is significant for me to engage in all my cultures; what I love about this, is inter-mingling amongst individual cultures, acquiring the essentials of living which incorporates: food, wine, entertainment, charities etc

In certain cases, there are situations which occurs either pandemicly or endemicly; people assimilate their resources genuinely and assist each other; I remember walking with my mother and professor for the purpose of assisting many victims;

It was a cold sunday morning and was one of the most fulfilling experiences; I have always been a very nice person; a free-spirit not bounded; Furthermore, I recommend highly that people volunteer for the good-will and not with malicious intent.
 Photo: Italy 
A special thanks to Mr babino (Italian-American), Jewish Network, Arts Cayman Islands, Hope (SA), Hope & Cope (Canada), Unicef (Canada) Charities, Agers (Jamaica), Milano Institute etc 
 Wahad>Masa Lxyar! Marhaba Habibi!

                     METTEZ  LES ACCENTS S'IL VOUS PLAIT!
1>J'adore ces films; Quand j'etais petite, ma grandmere avait introduit "le roi et moi" a moi; ce film parle de plusieurs types de themes; l'amour abstrait entre une roi et une professeur; le respect des femmes; ne passez pas le dodo d'un homme; l'instanee a voyager; la sante plus que le travaille; Interpretation entre les amants;
2> A man & woman seemingly is caught by the eyes of many; Beautiful, flamboyant, & multi-coloured costumes are electrifying to the naked eye. Happiness is key; A great way to captivate; to put forward the right intent to achieve a given theatrical mission; what story does the dance depict? Mr Khan and others, what do you think?

             Qui sommes-Nous? Sachiez-Vous?

Cosmo Bowen Senior   Beverly Capatula

Is it really important to know who we are?
Does a profession determine our caliber? I wonder what my family would state.

For those people, who are currently working at some of the major trans-shipment ports globally, are you aware of some of the greatest skilled pilots of all time?

         Danielle Bowen's Great Grand-Mother Gwendolyn Crooks & Grand-father Cosmo Bowen

In addition, some of the greatest ports I have been to were the majestic Kingston Harbour located in Jamaica and also Fort Mason, California. What do these ports have in common? History and Pilots are a few I can think of. 

What do ports have in common with family? One brings a ship to the docks, and livability is achieved; hypothetically; happiness, tranquility,pride,adoration for marine life,passion etc
Ports do serve as an engine for transporting goods, artillery and many other forms of artisanery to bring prosperity to a country domestically and is used also as a gateway to international shores;
Have you ever been on a Cruise? What is the difference between the above and the transporting of primary to tertiary resources? Humans? It takes a human to conduct a ship; it differentiates according to category and the general functioning of the shipping industry. If you are you looking for a great pilot, kindly reach me at

                   THE JAMAICA DEFENCE FORCE
There were major constitutional amendments in 1977; one of these were, the admittance of women in the Jamaican Defence Force. Michael Manley ensured that women had the right to enter, participate, and administer the daily regimens of military life. I had the privilege to have grown up part of my life with some of the first fore-founding women who were admitted in this given year; my mother was one of them.Congratulations.

TOP: Military Crest;                                            
Left: Seflin Sherwood picking a lime at the female military barracks;
Right: Averil Sherwood holding military baby Danielle Bowen;Seflin's daughter.

I remember pelucidly Commodore Kneish and Captain Toplin; I sat and questioned them poignantly about their positions as a child. They were leaders in their own right.
I recall sitting, eating, and laughing at the sergeant's mess with all the soldiers;
Meda, "Yuh dawta a eat oxtail an Banana."                                                                          
Translation: Meda, your daughter is eating oxtail and banana;
Congratulations to Foster, Thaxta, Dorothy, Christine, Carol, Seflin, Blackwood,Nelly, Cammock, Odel and others.


                        ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY

                                          NAMASTE,ME NAM... 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011





Its amazing how art overpasses border lines; it goes beyond drawing pads, painting canvas, beading, photography, graphic design, walking the catwalk, speaking, singing, song writing, designing apparels, theatre, the big screens; It also entails needling pink curtains together on a majestic extender, making The most EXTRAORDINARY shapes.

Art & Interpretation


                                            LIGHT & THE GRAFIA

                                            PHENOMENS SO REAL...